Creating change that matters for māori by māori
Community made solutions
for innovative futures

Te Pae Herenga o Tāmaki is a strong whānau ora collective of iwi and māori organisations in Tāmaki Makaurau, NZ.
Together we support whānau towards improved outcomes. Guided by the values of Whānau Ora, we are navigating community specific solutions for collective wellbeing.

Ko Wai Mātou
Our collective brings the best in social innovation to support whānau to live dynamic and full lives.
Iwi, and urban māori formed a regional collective, grounded in the principles of whanaungatanga and a Whānau Ora aspirational strengths based approach.
We understand the complex needs of whānau and that one size does not fit all. With a shared vision, we design innovative localised solutions that support whānau on their journey to achieve their aspirational goals (Tāmaki 10000).
Informed by whānau experience and backed by data and research, our multi-sector and skilled teams support whānau in their immediate, short, medium and long term goals. Unlocking the future for whānau pathways where our mokopuna are thriving.

Whakatautu Kowheori
Whānau Ora collectives were the first to mobilise a wholescale response to the pandemic in March 2020, and our Te Pae Herenga partners continue to work together to provide a direct response to the Covid Pandemic.
When Delta hit, Te Pae Herenga o Tāmaki immediately mobilised a collective wide response to prepare for the increased demand for Covid testing, vaccinations and whānau support.
We have undertaken mass redeployment to mobilise these services and have over 1000 kaimahi delivering covid services across the region.
Te Pae Herenga are supporting whānau through every step of our covid response. As a collective we advocate for Māori in Tāmaki Makaurau, seeking better funding and resources to deliver by Māori, for Māori covid services. We currently provide:
- Vaccination Centres
- A fleet of Mobile Vaccine Vans to target our most hard to reach communities
- Testing Sites
- Ongoing whānau relief, support and recovery kaupapa
Strong and visible leadership, grounded in kaupapa Māori principals, is pivotal to our regional Covid response. Our leaders have emphasised a service first approach and are on the frontline, supporting both kaimahi and whānau. The strength of leadership across the collective has been evidenced by the way leaders from different providers have shared resources to support each other.
“Our mantra is, if service is below you, leadership is beyond you. This is encapsulated in a Māori saying. Kei te amoranga ki mua, ke te hapai, kei muri”(John Tamihere, 2021)

Ngā Whānau
Whānau are at the heart of everything we do.
Unlike traditional mainstream social services our whānau ora model wraps a customised suite of interventions around each whānau.
TPHoT have on the ground intel, know their communities and are best suited to provide services in their community. Our workforce is adaptable and able to evolve as the whānau landscape changes. As such this collective has implemented a robust workforce development and capacity building programme.